Rasheed Boodhoo – A Young Artist

by Jackie Faine & Craig Burleigh  
June 1976

July 2nd, 2022

Since this article was written in 1976 Ahmad R. Boodhoo affectionately known as Rasheed, has continued his journey in art!

Please check his links to see what he's been up to over the last 46 years. Here's his Facebook page -


Rasheed Boodhoo PhotoArtist

The Article from 1976:-

" Mostly my love for art put me where I am ", says Rasheed Boodhoo as he looks back into his creative history and assesses his progress. He nurtures the talent for art, which he believes has been bestowed upon him, by constant use of pastels, acrylics and charcoal. At the age of eighteen, Rasheed has a prominent style. He creates images mainly of semi-abstract human form and concentrates on portraiture. 

Amhad Rasheed Boodhoo - Artist - 1976

Amhad Rasheed Boodhoo - Artist - 1976 h3-06-14

A keen study for him is the famous Bob Marley, a portrait of whom he has recently painted, titled " Dreader than Dread ". The blend of multi colours in this piece emphasize the soulfully pained expression on the perspiring face of the musician during performance. Therefore, it is not only a face, but a design in which emotion is portrayed.

Amhad Rasheed Boodhoo - 'Dreader Than Dread' 1976 h3-06-26

Amhad Rasheed Boodhoo - 'Dreader Than Dread' 1976 h3-06-26

Most of Rasheed's schooling was is Guyana, his native country which he left seven years ago. Impressed by drawings of older scholars, he went to work tracing; he was particular1y fascinated by one friend called Paul, who was left handed, “ I loved to watch him draw ".

Rasheed used his childish counterfeiting to communicate with the flattering oposite sex at that time. Laughing at his naivity then, he recounts when he really embraced art with an original approach.

It was here in Barbados, in 1973, when he met Omowale ( Allan Stewart ) at a Yoruba art display. Reeheed had been copying photographs and making up " dummy " film posters, but on seeing the exhibition he says, " I really knew what art was like ". His interest in this work resulted is his joining the group at Yoruba, under instruction of Omowale himself. Resheed treasures this as the birth of his art.

He remembers the group encouraged him, " I always use what people see in me to further myself ". During December, 1974, he exhibited work as part of their group show, after completing one year of instruction. 

He discovered the Art's Council, and as a member has exhibited at the Pelicen Art Gallery, and at this year’s June Festival of Arts at Barclay's Bank.

Ahmad Rasheed Boodhoo shows some of his work 1976 h3-06-25
Rasheed at work h3-02-09

Rasheed has worked towards CARIFESTA (Caribbean Festival of the Arts) and is presently working towards NIFCA (National Independence Festival of Creative Arts). As an exhibiting artist he forms an abstract relationship with his viewer; his title of image evokes the viewer to use imagination in interpretation.

One of his originals in acrylics, titled " Love and Faces ” has a strong appearance of a few profiles, but Resheed has managed to subtbly include the word " love " and numerous faces other than those in the center of interest.

Rasheed is thinking of adding a new dimension to his work. He thinks sceneries will create interest as his viewer will be able to relate to a known place in Barbados.

The Yoruba art group with which Resheed has been involved hes broken apart, " Each guy works separately but there is still a central communication ". He hopes that in the near future the members wil1 get together for a group show.

Rasheed admires his fellow artists, " Every artist, no matter who, has inspired me to go on". He holds special  feelings for Karl Broodhagen, and holds Omowale as "the BEST" as a result of his personal experience.

Rasheed has a self acclaimed " curious mind ". He is endlessly experimenting with new techniques and media: paper craft, sculpture using plasticine, a bit of water colour and pen and ink. Recently, he discovered that spray paint ” ate " foam when he was painting a design on cloth using paper stencils, spray paints and a piece of foam as a backing material. He is trying to manoeuver this discovery into a creative angle, " I like to specialize myself in anything - anything in art ".

Rasheed's family are proud of him, "My mother, she loves my ART ". Having a close relationship with his older brother is an asset to him. His brother constructivly critizes his art, he tells Rasheed " You don't write your name, you draw it ".

There may be a hereditary tie as far as Rasheed's Kung Ku dancing is concerned. His father once made up a part of a family acrobatic team in Guyana. Rasheed similarly is gifted with physical flexibility and retains what he calls a "neat shape."

Presently he is practicing a Kung Fu dance with other enthusiasts, in hope to have a presentation during NIFCA. He is deeply interested in the Martial Arts and admires Wang Yu and Bruce Lee, two Kung Fu kings in the movie world. Rasheed stocks a huge library of books on these topics, including Karate, this hobby he considers an art, " I don't believe in fighting ". 

However Rasheed does believe in self defense. As a side line of these interests he is trying the NUNCHAKU but admits that he is not very good at it, it requires grave concentration.

Rasheed, who is very independent and a bit of a " home child ", is a hard working youth. He works at Shopper's Snackette, Black Rock using a bicycle for transport. He attends the snackette for long hours so that he may have money to buy art equipment, " That is why I'm really working ".

He is calm and light hearted about life. He likes to be funny and amusing, yet, can be deeply philosophical; he considers religion a personal part of him which he can " hope to share with some one else".

With the opinion that the DESIDERATA is beautiful he says, " It is the whole life time of a man ", and Rasheed often feels that " the world is like a sheet of paper and we are like paintings on it".

  • Good Night Craig and Jackie.It is wonderful to reconnect after all these yearsss.Your story and photos bring back wonderful memories.Great photos and a wonderful article,thank you both for that journey and maybe one day you will catch up on this journey…

    • Hey Rasheed, It’s so great to be able to be in touch – thanks to the internet! It’s easy to complain about the negative aspects of it but it sure helps finding people that you knew in earlier times! I agree that Jackie did a lovely article and I think painted a very real picture of you – fun and light-hearted but deeply philosophical. Hope we can visit in the not too distant future and meet up again.

  • Photos are wonderful as per your usual Craig & I enjoyed reading Rasheed’s story told partially through the notes Jackie took while interviewing .
    The two of you a dynamic duo .
    Tell me though … who is the woman in the solo photo ?
    Great job … love that you are keeping these alive & sharing with all who love Bim & it’s people . TY !

    • Hi Karen – thanks for the comment – the lady is Rasheed’s mother (who passed away a few years ago) – a great supporter of his art! The great thing about putting these up is that I’m reconnecting with these people – Rasheed and I have had quite a few Whatsapp conversations over the last few weeks.

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